Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Beyond the Canon?

ANCIENT JEW REVIEW: Manuscripts Beyond the Canon ( Garrick V. Allen).
In anticipation of the upcoming annual meeting of #sblaar20, Ancient Jew Review will host a series of articles from a panel organized by Janet Spittler and Lily Vuong, chairs of the Christian Apocrypha Section. For the next two weeks, we will publish essays from a session celebrating the work of Tobias Nicklas and the "Beyond Canon: Heterotopias of Religious Authority in Ancient Christianity” project of the Universität Regensburg.
From Dr. Allen's essay:
What I want to do in this discussion is more specific: to gesture toward the importance of manuscripts, even manuscripts that preserve “biblical” works, as vectors for researching beyond the canon. The manuscript evidence demonstrates that there is often no hard and fast bibliographic distinction between canonical and non-canonical material and that, in certain circumstances, it is the very presence of non-canonical material that defines the canonical as such. ...

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