Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Review of Stray et al., Liddell and Scott (history, methodology, languages)

BRYN MAYR CLASSICAL REVIEW: Liddell and Scott: the history, methodology, and languages of the world’s leading lexicon of Ancient Greek.
Christopher Stray, Michael Clarke, Joshua Timothy Katz, Liddell and Scott: the history, methodology, and languages of the world's leading lexicon of Ancient Greek. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. xviii, 453. ISBN 9780198810803 $115.00.

... Liddell and Scott, edited by Christopher Stray, a sociologist, Michael Clarke, a literary critic, and Joshua Katz, an expert in linguistics, aims to look at the LSJ as cultural and intellectual product—with Stray leading on the history of the book; Clarke, the methodology and literary implications; and Katz, the philology and linguistics. It is a book that is fascinating—full of detailed and intelligent appraisal and analysis—and frustrating, for the questions not broached and the avenues not pursued. ...

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