Sunday, November 08, 2020

Schmidtkunz, Das Moselied des Deuteronomiums

NEW BOOK FROM MOHR SIEBECK: Petra Schmidtkunz. Das Moselied des Deuteronomiums Untersuchungen zu Text und Theologie von Dtn 32,1–43. [The Song of Moses in Deuteronomy. Studies on the Text and Theology of Deut 32:1–43.] 2020. XVIII, 451 pages. Forschungen zum Alten Testament 2. Reihe 124. 109,00 € including VAT. sewn paper ISBN 978-3-16-158293-6.
Published in German.
In her analysis of the »Song of Moses« (Deut. 32:1–43), Petra Schmidtkunz combines classical exegesis with an enquiry into the textual pragmatics of the composition. As a result, the Song can be characterised as a religious exhortation, addressing the community of YHWH's followers in Persian-period Yehud (fifth century BC).

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