Saturday, November 14, 2020

Reception of the Apocryphal Acts of Thomas

ANCIENT JEW REVIEW: Retelling Thomas’ Story: Reception of the Apocryphal Acts of Thomas in the Synaxarion of the Liturgical Thomas-Feast (Cosmin Pricop).
The indisputable presence of information from the Apocryphal Acts of Thomas in the Synaxarion of the Thomas-Feast (concerning especially the beginning of the Thomasine mission in India and his martyrdom there) proves the liturgical functionality of the reception of this apocryphal text. At the same time, it reveals the fact that this complex process (which is to be understood also as retelling stories) continued not only beyond the canon of New Testament writings, but also beyond the canon of what we typically think of as apocryphal literature.
Is that meta-apocrypha then?

Cross-file under New Testament Apocrypha Watch.

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